Dutch health insurance

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You must take out insurance with a Dutch insurer within four months of arrival even if you already have an existing policy that gives you cover in the Netherlands. Certain employers and work arrangements can be exempt from this requirement, but you should check carefully whether your situation qualifies.  In the Dutch healthcare scheme, children under 18 are included in their parents' insurance at no additional cost. A Dutch insurance company cannot refuse to cover for you for the basic package, regardless of your age or state of health. The standard basic package is pretty much the same from all providers except that costs may vary. If your income is under a fixed minimum level, you can apply for a healthcare allowance (zorgtoeslag) from the tax authorities (belastingdienst). Visit website www.toeslagen.nl (in Dutch) for more details. The Dutch trade association of health insurance providers includes some information in English and the Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sportoffers information in several languages including English (see top left of website for more languages). At www.kiesbeter.nl (‘choose better') and www.independer.nl you can compare health insurance (zorgverzekeringen) policy costs and find the cheapest (goedkoopste) basispakket.
Both websites are in Dutch.
Tip: You can cut your monthly costs by around EUR 8 through taking out an internet-based package. Online working reduces admin costs for the insurer. This is popular with students but is available to anyone.